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Past Exhibits
"Coming Home" Solo Show ·《回到家》個展
Lena is excited to share her new work at InSian Gallery this fall. "Coming Home" has been three years in the making and details Lena's intimate journey as she finds her way back home to her heart.
Coming Home: to Our Heart, to Our Truth
"This Is Me," <Kindness> Series, Oil, Acrylic, Wax, and Sand on Canvas, 36" x 36"
"Behind My Mask," <Kindness> Series, Oil and Acrylic on Canvas, 24" x 36"
"Honesty," <Courage> Series, Acrylic on Canvas, 48" x 48"
"Freedom," <Courage> Series, Acrylic on Canvas, 60" x 60"
"Heart Opening: Melting the Icicles Away," <Courage> Series, Acrylic on Canvas, 24" x 40"
About the Show · 畫展簡介
「生命都有追求快樂的本能,當社會價值觀是建立在追求物質成就的短暫快樂,人們隨波逐流。心靈的枯竭與疲憊,讓我重新檢視生命的意義,我選擇逆流而上回到真實的自我,我回家了!」 - 楊元寧
“Coming Home” consists of three series and details the final stages of my decade long healing journey as I make my way back home to my authentic truth. It begins with “Kindness,” a series about learning to love and accept ourselves for all that we are, for all our imperfections and our flaws, our habits and our behaviors. For, only when we meet ourselves with unconditional kindness and compassion can we then begin to change.
With mindfulness awareness of what holds us back, we can take a step out of our comfort zone and challenge the beliefs and values that keep us small and fearful. We must have “Courage,” which is the theme of the next series, to break through all the patterns that no longer serve us so that we can begin to create a new reality, full of new possibilities and new beginnings. It takes so much patience and determination to dive head first into the dark unknown and trust that life will somehow lead us out of the mud. When we face our darkest fears and our most terrifying demons, we must have the courage to stand firm and let the waves of uncertainty wash through us. It is only after this battle, after our resistance melts and our control is surrendered, that we can then begin to flourish in our lives.
“Flourish,” the final series of this show, is about living our lives to our fullest potential. By living our authentic truth, we can be our best selves, live our passion and our purpose, and be a spark of light that illuminates the world around us. We are naturally an inspiration when we follow our hearts, for when we connect to our heart’s truth, we operate from a place of love. It is this love that melts all fears, that pulls us out of darkness, and that realigns us with the Universal flow of life. This is the love that offers a beacon of light to guide our way home.
I believe that we are all on this journey of returning home to our true selves. From the moment that we are born, we are molded by our environment—our family, our friends, our teachers, and our community. We become conditioned with beliefs and values that define our habits and our behaviors and that dictate how we live our lives. Our pain and our suffering give us a wonderful chance to begin to notice what doesn’t work for us and to unlearn these beliefs and values that keep us imprisoned in our small, protected world. Our life continuously presents us with opportunities to reawaken to the truth beneath all the conditioning that we have acquired throughout our lives. All we need to do is to become aware of our habitual patterns so that we can choose a new path forward.
So, with that said, I invite you to come on this journey with me as I share my own reawakening through my artwork. Each piece of art reveals a story of transformation as the colorful brushstrokes lead me through the dance of life. With sincere gratitude for all the pitstops and detours through which life has taken me, I encourage you to discover yourself and embark on your own journey as you meander through these paintings that have taken me home.
“Coming Home ”回到家,回到最真實的自我,是由三個系列的作品組成,代表了我這十年療癒旅程的三個階段。
"Surrender," <Flourish> Series, Acrylic on Canvas, 72" x 96"
"Rooted in Wisdom," <Flourish> Series, Acrylic on Canvas, 24" x 24"
"Truth," <Flourish> Series, Acrylic on Canvas, 48" x 60"
Artist Statement · 畫家自述
Four years ago, on a flight returning from Hawaii, I had a vision of my next art show. I knew the show would be called “Coming Home” and that it would be in Taipei, but at that time, I had no idea how I was going to make that happen. In fact, throughout this wild voyage, I was blindfolded and taken on a ride of a lifetime that I had absolutely no control over. This was a journey predicated on tremendous faith, unrelenting resilience, and insurmountable patience. I had to trust and simply let go.
I spent the next three years searching for truth, meaning, and purpose. I had spent my entire life pretending to be someone I was not. I lived for the validation and approval of others and tiptoed throughout life without aligning with my heart and soul. I had no connection with my own inner voice. In fact, I had no voice at all.
This journey home has been a process of unraveling the fears and limiting beliefs that have prevented me from living my authentic truth. It has been an opportunity to learn to empower myself with the courage and conviction to trust my own internal compass to guide me home… Home to that fearless, spirited wild child that I was at the young age of three. Home to the inspired creator and artist that saw magic and beauty in the world around me. Finally, after all these years of searching, of learning, of self-discovering, I have made my way back home to the person who I was always born to be!
四年前,在從夏威夷返家的班機上,在我腦海中出現了一個預感 ─ 我將會在台北辦一個名為 “Coming Home ” 的畫展。不過當時的我對於這場展覽仍沒有任何想法。事實上,在這段超越想像的旅途中,我彷彿閉上雙眼,交出控制權,任由命運帶領我經歷一場此生未曾有過的體驗。強大的信念、不屈的堅毅、無可動搖的耐心,是這些元素構成了這趟旅程。我只能相信,放手一搏。