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>  Portfolio

"Kindness" - sold out

“Coming Home” consists of three series. It begins with “Kindness,” a series about learning to love and accept ourselves for all that we are, for all our imperfections and our flaws. For, only when we meet ourselves with unconditional kindness and compassion can we then begin to change.

"Courage" - sold out

The next series is called “Courage.” We need courage to step out of our comfort zone and breakthrough all the beliefs that keep us small and fearful so that we can begin to create a new reality full of new possibilities.

"Flourish" - sold out

“Flourish,” the final series of this show, is about living our lives to our fullest potential. By living our authentic truth, we can be our best selves, live our passion and our purpose, and be a spark of light that illuminates the world around us.

"Transformation" - sold out

This series speaks about personal growth and transformation. It is about gaining the clarity and awareness to break through our habitual patterns and embracing a more authentic and graceful way of being. Transformation happens when we can surrender to the flow of life and allow the change to happen.

"Honoring the Light" - sold out

There is a light deep within your soul. It speaks to you softly. Pause and listen.

If you can hear it, let the light expand out and shine onto the path before you.

Honor this light that resides within your heart. Let it guide your way into the night.

This light empowers your being. It gives you strength in the pit of darkness. 

Follow it. Trust it. And remember that no one can take it away from you. 

Because at the end of the day, it is you. The very essence, the true, the real YOU.

"Transcending Boundaries" - sold out

What does it mean to transcend boundaries? It happens when we surrender to our true selves, accepting our truth for what it is, embracing us for who we really are. There is a constant war between our ego and our soul.  Our ego and its mental constructs hold us up to societal expectations and keep us in competition with our family and friends. We gain value through comparing ourselves with others and receiving validation from authority figures in our lives. The passion of our soul, the freedom that we were born to express are subdued in favor of high achieving pursuits that often times stunt our growth as spiritual beings. When we can transcend our mind, let go of our ego constructs, and instead listen to the voice of our soul, we connect to something much greater than the ourselves. We connect to the Universe. And this Universal energy moves us beyond the mundane, beyond the limitations and boundaries that we have set for ourselves and that we have learned to adopt. We suddenly realize what it means to be "alive" because life is simply an expression of our soul. It is through this connection with our soul that the Universal energy that sustains us and inspires us can at last move freely through us. It is the transcendence of the ego-mind that allows us to transcend boundaries, whatever kind of boundaries they may be.


Life is so simple. It is our mind that makes it difficult.

"Zen Mind"

In moments of stillness, when we are able to filter out the external frenzy of the world around us, we can choose to turn our attention inward and observe the workings of our mind. In this calmness, when everything begins to slow, we start to notice how our thoughts arise, how our attention drifts in and out. In the quiet space that fills our mind, we can notice all the sensory information around us, the landscape of wildflowers that begs for our attention, bursts of color here and there that distract us from our silence.  We notice these momentary sparks of light that inspire and ignite. From this empty mind space, thoughts begin to materialize, crystallizing, taking form. But can we learn to detach ourselves from the multitude of thoughts that form out of this primordial state of calm and stillness. Can our emotions remain in a state of non-reaction and can we simply appreciate the marvel of creating form from formlessness, something-ness out of nothing-ness without attachment but instead with unwavering calm.

The Magnificence of Nature

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